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Need some extra money?
How many people have told you that you could sell your crafts? Does that sound like a wonderful idea? Wouldn't it be great to make money doing something you really love to do? That is the concept of this website. We are a family of crafters that love what we make, and love taking it to a level that helps our families financially.

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What? An opportunity?
Work at home, not from home!
Many home buisnesses talk about being able to work from home. What they really mean is that your office is in your home but you spend all day going out to talk to clients. Here we really mean at home. You can work on the crafts you love at home and we will sell them online for you. The only time we will ask you to go anywhere is when your merchandise sells and it is time to mail it.
No Money Down!
Hill Home Heaven only makes money when your merchandise sells, if you don’t make money, Hill Home Heaven doesn’t make money. There are no monthly fees or dues. Hill Home Heaven was started because I wanted to sell my own merchandise online. But, alone I wouldn’t be able to produce enough merchandise to keep the web site going. So, I decided to share this idea with other crafters to give them an avenue to sell their merchandise as well. This is not a get rich quick scheme and I don‘t want to make money off you. I am just a contractor like everyone else. I don’t make money in Hill Home Heaven as an employee, I make money by selling my own merchandise just like you will be doing. All money made by Hill Home Heaven is used to keep the site going.
How to get started.
The process for selling your merchandise on the Hill Home Heaven website is so simple that you won’t believe it. First, click on the link for the application form at the end of the last paragraph on this page. Make sure that you include your e-mail and/or snail mail address, name, and a phone number where you can be reached. Once your application is approved we will send you the Welcome packet which includes; a welcome letter, Letter of Agreement, and some other paperwork that you will be needing.
What is in the Letter of Agreement?
Our Letter of Agreement contains the following: You are responsible for your own taxes. You will receive 1 payout check per month. Hill Home Heaven will keep 20% of your selling cost for all merchandise sold to cover website and filing costs. You contribute merchandise at your leisure. How long it takes to post merchandise and how often it is rotated. All merchandise must be quality hand made items only. Time frames and terms for mailing sold merchandise.
What other paperwork?
Hill Home Heaven provides logs and letterheads in your Welcome Packet to make building and pricing new projects easier for you. Also, it helps us in keeping accurate records of your merchandise on the web site.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us and we will reply as soon as possible. Working hours are Monday thru Friday 8AM to 2PM Central Time Zone. E-mail us!!!!
Want an Application????
If you would like us to send you an application, you can send us a request by e-mail by clicking below, or send us a request by snail mail to:
Hill Home Heaven, PO Box 1345, Huntsville, Ar. 72740. Be sure to include your name and e-mail or snail mail address.
Click here for Application

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Wishes Can Come True!
Have you ever wished you had more time to work on your crafts? Have you ever wished you had more money to spend on the things you make? Well, we think we have the answer to your wishes. Wishes really can come true when you sell your crafts with us.